Catching up

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Family time coming up!

Our family are all going to be together for the first time ever! We haven't been together since Troy and Tarryn's wedding 3 and a half years ago and we have had new additions to our family since then! We are all going out to the farm to celebrate our 40th anniversary on the weekend of 17 - 20 September, so hopefully I will have a lot of pics of our whole family to post!! Then Col and I are being flown down to stay in a lovely home in Knysna for a week....lots to look forward to!

General news

Troy and Tarryn are thrilled to be on the move! Troy has been offered a teaching job at a Christian school in Hilton in KZN and will be moving down to this lovely litte house in December....we are going to miss them terribly, but it is so great for them!

More of Noah

Precious little blue eyes!

Noah on the farm

There are so many fun things to do here!

It sure is cold!

Noah and Pluto

More Bishop news

I am a very adventurous young lady!

Grandma visited for a precious couple of days.

The Cape Town Bishops

Troy and Tarryn went to visit Guy, Esther & Emma and Em loved dressing up with Tarry.

Brothers and sisters enjoying being together!

More Denekamp fun

The Denekamps went to a working farm for a weekend and had a wonderful break there,

Ryan went fishing with dad and caught a fish!!!

Ryan went with mom and dad to Cape Town - this was the Soccer World Cup mascot

Ryan at school

Just catching up

Well, it is about time that I did a bit of work on this blog - 7 months is a disgrace!

We have had quite a hectic year so far, that's for sure.

Our first drama happened when Loren, Kris, Ryan & Jason went off to Mauritius for a wonderful holiday which turned into a nightmare!

Jasie picked up some kind of bug and landed up in hospital over there with a severe lung infection which was causing terrible fevers and made it hard for him to breathe. The poor kids were taking it in turns to stay with J and having to schlepp an hour back and forth with R in the taxi each time. Jasie got progressively worse and we were so grateful that the Lord worked it out for the medical aid to pay for him to be airlifted back to the Parklands hospital in Durban. He then went through major surgery to try and alleviate the situation. I was able to go down to Durbs to help care for Ryan while Loren and Kris took it in turns in staying at the hospital with Jasie. Don't you love the fact that Gaga (Tigger) went through it all with him??

We thank the Lord for His incredible grace towards us in healing our precious little one and as we look at him now, we wonder if he really was so sick!! Here he is at his 2nd birthday - full of life! And look at him slip 'n sliding with his dad!!